Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government

Republic of the Union of Myanmar
National Unity Government
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Statement (1/2024)

The National Unity Government’s Position on China

1 January 2024
  1. The National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar adheres to an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy with an aim to establish a federal democratic union that upholds people-centred values and standards.
  2. Myanmar regards the People’s Republic of China as a specifically important country, not only for close, profound historical ties between the two countries but also for China’s status as a global superpower.
  3. As Myanmar and China are neighbouring countries with a shared border spanning over two thousand kilometres, and bound to coexist as long as the Earth endures, Myanmar remains committed to fostering a genuine “Pauk-Phaw” relationship between the two countries and endeavours to be a good neighbour to China.
  4. The One China principle will be upheld and supported in a sustained manner.
  5. Valuing the people-to-people relationship between China and Myanmar, efforts will be made to foster mutual respect, trust and cooperation in the most effective manner.
  6. Endeavours will be made to promote and sustain cooperation grounded in shared socio-economic interests between the two countries.
  7. Aspiring to foster the interests of the people of the two countries, measures will be taken to safeguard Chinese economic investments and other socio-economic enterprises within Myanmar.
  8. Any organisation that poses a threat to the national security of neighbouring countries shall not be permitted to establish a presence within the territory of Myanmar.
  9. Myanmar remains committed to upholding its obligations under any treaties or agreements, including boundary treaties, signed between the two countries before the attempted military coup in 2021.
  10. Myanmar remains committed to engaging in close cooperation with China and other countries in the region to combat transnational crimes, including online scams and gambling, human trafficking and drug-related activities, which pose threats not only to the border stability of the two countries but also to the stability and security of the whole region.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
National Unity Government

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